Tag: Azure

  • Azure Reporting Code Coverage for .NET Core and JavaScript

    I could not find a relevant article for combined code coverage reporting of a project with both .NET Core tests and Javascript tests, so having spent far too much time working it out I have documented the steps necessary here to save you the same pain. My projects are using XUnit to test my .NET […]

  • Azure .NET Core Web App and Where to Locate Static Files

    In Azure your web app is written to the “d:\home\site\wwwroot” folder, and if you deploy with Visual Studio and choose “Remove additional files at destination” anything not in your project will be removed from “d:\home\site\wwwroot”. The default Continuous Integration profile on Azure DevOps does not remove files in “d:\home\site\wwwroot” but overwrites, this can get you […]

  • Setting Up Serilog in a .NET Core 2.2 Web App Deployed to Azure

    The standard .NET Core logging is all well and good, but it doesn’t give you logging to a file out of the box. My requirements were to display the application log messages in the Visual Studio Debug window and also log them to a physical file whilst in development on my local PC, but then […]

  • Azure DevOps CI Pipeline Fails with .NET Core 2.2

    I tried putting a test CI build from Azure DevOps (formally VSTS) to a test web site using NET Core 2.2 today, but it failed with “Packages failed to restore”. Further investigation revealed that it failed in the “_CheckForUnsupportedNETCoreVersion” step. It appears that if you are using .NET Core 2.2 as a target it will […]